It seems every year at this time, and this year is no exception, we try to fit in all those casual BBQ’s that we haven’t had time for all summer. This year we promised ourselves we would not schedule every weekend, that we would try for more spontaneous get togethers. With no plans we could… Continue reading
Today, if you are thinking this is one of my well researched, thoroughly tested and executed recipes. I must say, thank you. Because it was really just some great leftover BBQ chicken, a few veggies from the crisper, and a couple of spoonfuls of pesto. It was really fabulous. If I can give you one… Continue reading
We have been creating salads here with a vegetable that’s new to us. Jimaca. Pronounced Hee-ka-ma. It is sometimes called a Mexican Potato or Mexican turnip. However it doesn’t have the taste or texture of a potato at all. After you peel the outer brown skin you will find a moist white interior, slightly sweet… Continue reading