Many, many lifetimes ago my husband worked in the dinning room of a big fancy hotel. There, they made a “classic” caesar salad, that he still maintains contained no mayo, mustard, and heaven forbid no worcestershire. Looking at the picture you may surmise that this is clearly not that “classic” recipe, with the additions of… Continue reading
Every summer there seems to be a salad that I gravitate to, and tend make again and again. The criteria is usually that it’s super easy to whip up, no ingredients that are strange or hard to procure. Extra points if it contains local, in season produce, doesn’t need extended refrigeration, can pair well with most… Continue reading
I wasn’t planning on sharing this recipe for Charred Broccoli Salad with you, because I wasn’t really in love with the picture. Dumb, I know! Charred brown foods are hard for me to capture, if I were a professional photographer, with all those big lights, and diffusers, and various other assorted pieces of equipment I can’t even… Continue reading
I was on a bit of a eggplant kick this summer, made all sorts of salads with grilled eggplant, and only posted one. Not that I post everything we eat here, quite the opposite. You see, to get a good photograph of food, it takes a little bit of time, some fussing with the light,… Continue reading
Every summer, we seem to gravitate to one dish, a lot. This year, the winner was any form of a watermelon salad. Mainly because it pairs so well with BBQ’ed meats and fish. And any dish that is both sweet, salty and spicy always has my vote. And, I am the one cooking, we eat… Continue reading
I often get asked if I make up my own recipes. Most often I would reply yes, however this one today is up for debate. I had dog-eared a page in last month’s “bon appetit” for what I remembered as a recipe for a salad with lamb, seared red onion, and certainly some pomegranate seeds…. Continue reading
We have been creating salads here with a vegetable that’s new to us. Jimaca. Pronounced Hee-ka-ma. It is sometimes called a Mexican Potato or Mexican turnip. However it doesn’t have the taste or texture of a potato at all. After you peel the outer brown skin you will find a moist white interior, slightly sweet… Continue reading