Pamela's Gluten Free Recipes

Daily forays into the kitchen for 1 celiac, 1 vegetarian, and 2 carnivores

Archive for the “Salad” Category

Charred Corn Poblano Salad with Feta

Posted in Gluten Free, keto, Salad, Sides, Vegetarian by Pamela

Most summers I tend to obsess over one specific salad.  A salad that circulates through pot-lucks, bbq’s or just dinner at home.  Last summer I made this Quinoa Lentil Salad many, many times.  The previous summer, my garden was bursting with vegetables, which inspired this Summer Squash Salad with Feta and Herbs. This year a… Continue reading

Shirataki Asian Noodle Salad

Posted in Gluten Free, keto, Paleo, Pasta, Salad, Sides, Vegan, Vegetarian by Pamela

Last month I enthusiastically shared my interest in Skinny Pasta, now one of my new go-to’s for a quick lunch.  As I previously told you; these noodles are virtually calorie free, carb free, no sodium, grain free, gluten free, vegan, full of fiber, oh and they come in different shapes too!  A lot of hype… Continue reading

Charred Corn Salad with Tomatoes and Feta

Posted in Brunch, Dinner Party, Gluten Free, Salad, Sides, Vegetarian by Pamela

Every summer there seems to be a salad that I gravitate to, and tend make again and again.  The criteria is usually that it’s super easy to whip up, no ingredients that are strange or hard to procure. Extra points if it contains local, in season produce, doesn’t need extended refrigeration, can pair well with most… Continue reading

Chopped Greek Salad with Quinoa and Lentils

Posted in Brunch, Gluten Free, Salad, Sides, Vegetarian by Pamela

I have noticed that every summer I seem to gravitate to a go-to salad, one I can quickly whip up for a impromptu BBQ at a neighbors,  a dish to pass for a picnic, or maybe just for a quick fix dinner here.  Last year it was this Summer Squash with Feta and Herb Salad, the… Continue reading

Kohlrabi and Apple Slaw with Harissa Dressing

Posted in Gluten Free, Salad, Sides, Vegetarian by Pamela

Luckily, everyone here loves coleslaw, and, in my quest to make sure we all get enough veg in our diet – that certainly helps.  While fish tacos usually get a traditional savoy cabbage slaw –  other meals are ripe for different versions of coleslaw. The beauty of coleslaw is that you can julienne almost any vegetable and… Continue reading

Brussels Sprout Kale and Pomegrante Salad

Posted in Dinner Party, Gluten Free, Paleo, Salad, Sides, Vegetarian by Pamela

Knowing me,  you would expect a really healthy recipe today, to help un-do all the merry making we have been up to for which feels like months.   Never have I experienced a Holiday Season with so many parties, with Christmas on a Friday, and New Years Eve falling on Thursday, it was easy to… Continue reading

Summer Squash Salad with Feta and Herbs

Posted in Dinner Party, Gluten Free, Salad, Sides, Vegetarian by Pamela

Every summer it seems I gravitate to one type of salad, and repeat various versions of it all season long.  Last year, it was watermelon salad, which provided a nice opportunity to use up that huge bag of gochugaru that is hogging up space in the freezer, thank goodness they tasted so good together. The… Continue reading

Charred Broccoli Salad with Red Onion Tomatoes and Feta

Posted in Dinner Party, Gluten Free, Salad, Sides, Vegetarian by Pamela

I wasn’t planning on sharing this recipe for Charred Broccoli Salad with you, because I wasn’t really in love with the picture.  Dumb, I know!  Charred brown foods are hard for me to capture, if I were a professional photographer, with all those big lights, and diffusers, and various other assorted pieces of equipment I can’t even… Continue reading

Tomato Feta Eggplant Salad with Lemon Vinaigrette

Posted in Appetizers, Dinner Party, Gluten Free, Salad, Sides, Vegetarian by Pamela

I was on a bit of a eggplant kick this summer, made all sorts of salads with grilled eggplant, and only posted one.  Not that I post everything we eat here, quite the opposite.  You see, to get a good photograph of food, it takes a little bit of time, some fussing with the light,… Continue reading

Watermelon Feta Watercress Salad with Gochugaru Viniagrette

Posted in Gluten Free, Salad, Sides, Vegetarian by Pamela

Every summer, we seem to gravitate to one dish, a lot.  This year, the winner was any form of a watermelon salad. Mainly because it pairs so well with BBQ’ed meats and fish.  And any dish that is both sweet, salty and spicy always has my vote.  And,  I am the one cooking, we eat… Continue reading

Brussels Sprouts Kimchi

Posted in Appetizers, Gluten Free, Salad, Sides, Vegetarian by Pamela

I think I have to thank Mrs Kim, a cute little Korean lady in her late 60’s, for making my children adventurous eaters.  You see, she and her husband have owned the Japanese/Korean restaurant near us for as long as I can remember. We started taking our children there when they were perhaps 4 and… Continue reading

Quick Tomato Mozzarella Salad – Gluten Free

Posted in Appetizers, Dinner Party, Gluten Free, Salad, Sides, Vegetarian by Pamela

It seems every year at this time, and this year is no exception, we try to fit in all those casual  BBQ’s that we haven’t had time for all summer. This year we promised ourselves we would not schedule every weekend, that we would try for more spontaneous get togethers. With no plans we could… Continue reading

Chicken Salad with Pesto and Garden Vegetables – Gluten Free

Posted in Gluten Free, Poultry, Salad, Sides by Pamela

Today, if you are thinking this is one of my well researched, thoroughly tested and executed recipes. I must say, thank you. Because it was really just some great leftover BBQ chicken, a few veggies from the crisper, and a couple of spoonfuls of pesto. It was really fabulous. If I can give you one… Continue reading

Carrot Salad with Crasins, Cilantro and Jalapeño

Posted in Appetizers, Dinner Party, Gluten Free, Salad, Sides, Vegetarian by Pamela

Yesterday, after setting out breakfast for the kids. I made my usual plea for input. “What do you guys think we should have for dinner tonight?” No response. Perhaps too early in the day? I went through usual litany of choices. Chicken? Fish? Salad? Eggs? Stir Fry? BBQ? Fancy Sandwich? Beans? Pasta? Still nothing. Until… Continue reading

Spinach Salad with Butternut Squash, Roasted Red Potatoes and Cayenne Spiced Pecans

Posted in Appetizers, Dinner Party, Gluten Free, Salad, Vegetarian by Pamela

At breakfast this morning, I asked that age old question. “So, what do you guys feel like for dinner tonight?” Yes we discuss dinner at breakfast. Doesn’t everyone? After the feeding frenzy at the super bowl party this weekend, we were all fooded out. We attended a big party in a friends barn/game room. Invite… Continue reading